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Thursday, May 13, 2010

9 Months to go

Tiba-tiba sy rasa sgt takut.. sebab apa.. my wedding ceremony dah nak dekat.. sekarang sgt sibuk dgn kerja yang byk + assingment yg byk + nak study for mid term & final exam... rasa mcm berserabut.. huhu.. cool shikin.. :) chill la kan.. tp, tetap worried jugak pasal bln 6 nie br nak start survey butik pengantin.. kalau blh ekin nak butik yg ada pakej2.. much more better dari amik yg satu2.. cause harga very different... sekarang nie masih lagi dlm dilema tak tau nak amik yg mana satu... :)bln nie 6 nie nak decide nak amik photographer yg mana.... tema dah pilih.. tinggal nak beli kain, nak buat bj nikah dgn bj utk majlis khatam al quran... sgt teruja.. then nak kena teman mama & papa gi cari door gift.. pastu nak decide kad kawin..
byk benda cik shikin oiiiiii.. skrg sy rasa apa yg kwn2 sy rasa... :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010


Yesterday digi staff diberikan suntikan percuma.. untuk mencegah virus H1N1.. Memandangkan ada yg telah dijangkiti di office maka Digi mengambil langkah pencegahan dgn memberikan suntikan kepada setiap staffnya.. kalau di luar harganya mungkin 100 ke atas.. tp kami sgt bertuah kerana ia nya percuma... :)

Dan sgt2 la sakit selepas jab.... pedih yg teramat-amat sekali.. sy memanglah x suka benda2 yg blh menyakitkan ini.. :( tp, dah besau kenalah thn kan.. Semoga Allah menjauhkan penyakit ini dari kami sekeluarga...

Antara langkah-langkah yg dilakukan oleh Digi untuk megelakkan virus ini berleluasa.

Important update: We are pleased to inform you that the vaccination is progressing well with more than 1100 employees already inoculated. However, it is important to remember that the immunity will only be effective over the next 2 weeks. In the interim, we must continue to raise our guard and to observe these guidelines:

Please do not switch workstations during this time, remain as much as possible at one location so that we can minimize exposure between employees and ease the tracking of employees
2. Keep meetings small, cancel all meetings with more than 10 people
3. We would like to limit exposure to our Contact Center, please refrain from scheduling your meeting at the Lot 10 Contact Center
4. Please Work@ if you have flu like symptoms and fever (above 37.5 C)
5. Team-building sessions are currently deferred until further notice
6. As communicated earlier, observe good hygiene and please put on a mask if you are having minor flu like symptoms
7. We strongly advise all those identified as Level 1 to follow these guidelines immediately.


Sekejap je masa berlalu.. huhu.. ahad nie my sis akan berangkat ke Kedah.. first time kami akan berpisah.. sblm nie saya yg tinggalkan dia.. sekarang dia pulak yg tinggalkan saya.. sorry ida.. i can't follow u... :( so sad.... takpe2.. nanti ada masa kakak dtg sana k.. :) emm, sudah pasti kakak akan merinduimu.. hihi.. next year pulak saya dah tawin.. insyaallah. lagi la terpisah.. :)

anyway, i'm happy for her.. biar dia belajar susah senang... belajar berdikari.. good luck my sis.. emm, so sad cause tak de teman nak gaduh, x de teman nak gi survey brg2 for my wedding.. :( i always pray for you. insyaallah akan tercapai la cita-citamu itu sebagai accountant... all the best.. and I will miss you so so much my dear sis...

Lots of love...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Yeay...................... happy.............happy........... hihi. :) alhamdulillah akhirnya impian utk memiliki iphone tercapai... rezeki Allah.. mula2 ada customer cancel.. pastu ingat xdpt la kot.. last minute my colleague kata ada friend dia nak beli.. sgt2 bersyukur.. :) impian nak letak iphone dekata hantaran.. mr nazrul pun dpt jugak iphone.. so, kami decide x nak guna iphone tu lagi.. nak letak kat hantaran... :)

New task...

Sekarang sy sgt takut.. ini kerana sy diberi tugas baru. sebagai secretariat to my boss utk CF forum.. bagus kerana belajar benda baru but in the same time i'm really worried. Pertama kerana sy tidak lah tahu menulis minute meeting.. second, saya terpaksa la menumpukan sepenuh perhatian 110% semasa meeting.. tak blh terlelap mahupun berangan.. third sy tak pernah ada experience langsung bekerja sebagai setiausaha... so, good luck to me.. :)